"xenotransplatation": ethymological a medical item, signing the operation of animals´ intestines into the human body, i.e. the implantation of a heart of a pig into the human body. "archethnopaed": latin & old greek, for "the panther" – object; refer to "archaeopterix", the first bird due to biology.
"archethnopaed" cannot survive in environments of nowadays, because "the panther" is wild and running. "the panther" is powerful and mighty. we create a new animal that can change its looks to spread around the world as a sym-bol for captivated instincts that need to free energies of emotion and and in-tuition. "the panther – archethnopaed" used to live in the wide plains and woods of this world. we assume, that when rainer- maria rilke wrote his poem "the panther", some of these creatures were still alive.
furthermore we pronounce that to our believe since worldwar two this being died out: peter hasler remembered and build it an object that was brought to the public the year before. the actress sybille amber performed her imagina-tion of a thought, which culminated in a metal construction that was described and handled by merit streicher, who is able to find appropriate speech for a paedagogic approach. the fine artist peter hasler and the actress sybille amber attempted to utter in their very own language. "archethnopaed – the panther" is the body to our wishes and tolerance, to nature and vitality we much too often forget or hide. it is a single being that changes his shape in specific envi-rons according to matching forms and materials. it is red and a high metal ob-ject, but it may also show itself like nobody ever imagined before. "archethno-paed – the panther" can exist in many places at the same time. up to today there was seen only one of it – it lives with peter hasler in vienna / austria / europe. (December 2000)
"archethnopaed" cannot survive in environments of nowadays, because "the panther" is wild and running. "the panther" is powerful and mighty. we create a new animal that can change its looks to spread around the world as a sym-bol for captivated instincts that need to free energies of emotion and and in-tuition. "the panther – archethnopaed" used to live in the wide plains and woods of this world. we assume, that when rainer- maria rilke wrote his poem "the panther", some of these creatures were still alive.
furthermore we pronounce that to our believe since worldwar two this being died out: peter hasler remembered and build it an object that was brought to the public the year before. the actress sybille amber performed her imagina-tion of a thought, which culminated in a metal construction that was described and handled by merit streicher, who is able to find appropriate speech for a paedagogic approach. the fine artist peter hasler and the actress sybille amber attempted to utter in their very own language. "archethnopaed – the panther" is the body to our wishes and tolerance, to nature and vitality we much too often forget or hide. it is a single being that changes his shape in specific envi-rons according to matching forms and materials. it is red and a high metal ob-ject, but it may also show itself like nobody ever imagined before. "archethno-paed – the panther" can exist in many places at the same time. up to today there was seen only one of it – it lives with peter hasler in vienna / austria / europe. (December 2000)

© Sybille Amber: Intellectual Property 2005
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